My Story
I started my Scentsy business in February of 2009 after hosting a basket party to help a friend. I got a warmer and bar of Pumpkin Roll with my rewards and was immediately hooked!
At the time, I was a stay at home momma to 2 little girls doing odds and ends to help make ends meet. Full time babysitting, making crafts, whatever I could do to keep being able to stay home and raise my girls. Time I did not want to miss out on.
When the consultant asked if I'd considered starting my own Scentsy business, my initial reaction was "no way! Not me. I'm too shy, not a sales person ..." all the same things you're probably thinking. On top of that, I had tried 2 other direct sales companies in the past and hardcore failed being successful with them. Even going into further debt with one of them.
But after doing some research on Scentsy's own story and prayer, I decided to just try one more time. Even if it just helped us with a few extra dollars each month, enough to keep from overdraft notices or maybe, even maybe, afford a date night once in a while, then that would be enough for me.
The truth is though, that I would come to find that I really needed much more than just that extra money. I needed connection. I needed new friendships, I needed something to make me feel like we were crawling out of the hole we were in, not digging it deeper.
Almost 12 years later, that prayer for Scentsy to be the answer has been honored and multiplied over and over again. We have paid off HUGE debts we incurred during that time of struggle, moved into a better home for our family, and I've gained an entire community of people who just make me a better me. In Scentsy is where I found my tribe.
Our girls are being given opportunities beyond what we could have ever provided them before Scentsy. We've been able to take them on some amazing adventures, travel all over the country (and outside of it) and afford to be able to pay for all the sports, uniforms , camp fees and all the other things that come with having kiddos.
We are able to sew into our community, church and local school district both with our time and by meeting needs that arise in those areas. This is an area we are so passionate about because at one time, we were the people being helped by those things.
I am certainly not the same Amanda I was back in 2009. I have grown not just in confidence in who I am as a wife, mother, and friend, but have found a calling to bring people to the mountain top with me. To stand where I stand. To be on the other side of debt and loneliness and feeling like they're not capable or valued.
Scentsy hasn't just reshaped our finances, stamped our passport (ah! I have a passport!), but has wholly, through God's goodness, transformed our lives.
Our path made broad and filled with so much opportunity.
And it all started with a bar of Pumpkin Roll and a prayer. God is good...